“Jeg har været yderst tilfreds med de behandlinger, jeg har modtaget. Hendes professionalisme og dedikation til sit håndværk skinner igennem hver gang. Aldrig har jeg forladt en aftale uden at være skuffet. Hun formår at være både effektiv og grundig, hvilket gør oplevelsen både behagelig og betryggende. Jeg kan varmt anbefale hende til alle, der søger en dygtig og pålidelig behandler.“
“Chel is so professional and I have only had amazing experiences with her. The studio is incredibly clean and is always quiet which creates a peaceful environment. She is so kind, no one else is doing it like her right now. I stay coming back here!!“
“I have too many amazing things to say about Patrizia!!! When it comes to skincare and knowledge of the face, no one can compare to her. She is a true perfectionist when it comes to her work and her clients benefit greatly! I am so grateful I have found her. She is the only one I trust with my face. Her knowledge of the products and how they will work for each specific client is worth so much on its own. Simply put… she’s the best!!!!!“