1170 E Big Beaver Rd, Troy Michigan 48083
The Ladies that came to my house today were very efficient and complete in my secoond deep cleaning. I am very satisfied with these initial cleaning. I look forward to continuing the experience I had in my previous time dealing with the Cleaning Authority.
Wednesday May 8, 2024
The cleaning staff came in and efficiently moved throughout the house leaving me with a clean house dust free, clean counters, clean floors, and clean washroom, bathroom.
Wednesday May 22, 2024
I had an appointment in the window for the cleaning staff to arrive, so I left the door open, but I notified the Cleaning Authority late. The cleaning staff come in and completed much of the house before I got back.
Thank you for your consideration.
Wednesday June 19, 2024
As always, the staff came in, cleaned my house completely and very efficiently. I cannot recommend the Cleaning Authority any higher.
Wednesday July 3, 2024
Due to the 4 day weekend upcoming, I had management cleaning my house. I was favorably impressed with the commitment of these managers to allow their staff the long weekend.
Wednesday July 17, 2024
As always, the staff came in, cleaned my house completely and very efficiently. I cannot recommend the Cleaning Authority any higher.
Wednesday July 31, 2024
Very satisfied, as always, and very happy with my clean house.
Wednesday August 14, 2024
Again the Ladies from the Cleaning Authority completed my house today in a very efficient manner.
Wednesday August 28, 2024
Everything is okay. Great.
Wednesday September 21,2024
The staff from the Cleaning Authority was a little late due to a heavier workload at their previous location. However, the staff did a complete cleaning and did not skip on anything. Thank you to the Cleaning Authority.