611 S Harbor Blvd Suite C, Anaheim California 92805
TLDR; Dr. Rasta is a miracle worker! I recommend paying her a visit not only for physical discomfort, but also for emotional, mental, and spiritual development. Lessons learned: - NSA helps with stress management and allowing my body to heal itself - Her High Tone Therapy has improved my sleep immensely! - My major knee pain and vertigo for a week could be cured in a single visit (results may vary but more details on my experience below!) - Stool sample helped discover that my gut health was a major contributor to my discomfort throughout my body. Overpopulated opportunistic bacteria would cause arthritis that I did not know I had. By eliminating certain food products from my diet, I have felt so much better since! Services with Donald: - Lymphatic Drainage + Infrared Sauna has helped me get over sickness more quickly - "Full Body Massage" with Donald was less of a "feel good" massage, but more of a "good pain" with lasting results massage. I was having foot pain that might have been caused from wearing the wrong shoes (plantar fasciitis maybe?). After some massage/flex/stretching, the pain was reduced by the end of the visit and I could walk without a limp A little about me: I have a disc bulge that was causing me lower back pain, I was not sleeping well, I had brain fog, I had major joint pain, and wondered why I was physically unwell when I am mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong. After many visits to Western Doctors for many years, I was desperate to give almost anything a try. I first visited Dr. Rasta because a family member told me that "NSA work" (Network Spinal Analysis) exists and that it could potentially help me with my ailments. At this point, the pain and discomfort was really taking a toll on my quality of life, and I just wanted to find a solution. In my first few visits with Dr. Rasta, I learned so much more about myself and what actionable choices I could do to improve. Dr. Rasta was able to evaluate my situation through various tests, and most of our discoveries were listed above. In greater detail though, the stool sample and Dr. Rasta's research has helped me discover that soy sauce and other soy products leads to inflammation in my wrists, knees, and ankles (joints in general). Tomato may also contribute to my joint pain. Mushrooms lead to lower back pain and discomfort. More food products and testing will be discovered through time, and we will be working on the cure/solution in the near future! After traveling for over a week, I developed major knee pain and vertigo. At this point, I did not even want to get out of the house, but thought that if anybody could help me, hopefully Dr. Rasta could. In a single visit with her, she was able to determine that my major knee pain was because of disproportionate muscle tension/flexibility throughout my leg. She guided me in my breathing as she rolled out certain parts of my leg, then helped me stretch it out in unorthodox ways that I have not heard of nor seen before. The pain reduced each time she worked on another part of my leg, and I would evaluate how much pain or where it was by standing/walking on it again. After about 3 passes, my knee pain was completely GONE! That was only half the battle, but only specific people know how relieving it is when a constant pain disappears. For my vertigo, Dr. Rasta told me that she would do some "jaw work", and I just followed along. She would massage tight muscles in my mouth, then my jaw, neck, ears, and head. I would evaluate how much vertigo I had by standing up and turning my head quickly. After the first pass, it was reduced by a lot. The second pass, I felt just a little bit. After the third pass, the vertigo was completely GONE! After this visit, I was convinced that Dr. Rasta is a miracle worker; she helped me cure something that I was not even sure had a cure, especially in the short amount of time that it took! This has been an amazing healing journey for me, and I would highly recommend her services! Thank you Dr. Rasta & Team for the re