My grandson got his first haircut at Cobb’s barber. My grandson is 10yrs old now and I am still taking him there. Really like the way he cuts his hair. Mr Cobb is very patient with the children. There is no comparison. When I take him to Cobbs Barber I know what to expect, a great haircut.
April 2019
Jesse is absolutely great with cutting my great grandson’s hair. He gave him his first haircut; was very gentle with him. We still take him there, even though we don’t live as close now, but, consistently, he pleases my great grandson - & Grandma, as well. He has taught him how to use “product” to make him look even more handsome. He is now ten years old & I expect he will someday take his son there. Great barber!!
April 2018
Mr. Cobb is the best Barber I have ever had. I have went to him to get my hair cut for eight years. He is always friendly, and he is great with kids. And he says "I can take off as much as you want, I just cant put it back on."
My grandson got his first haircut at Cobb’s barber. My grandson is 10yrs old now and I am still taking him there. Really like the way he cuts his hair. Mr Cobb is very patient with the children. There is no comparison. When I take him to Cobbs Barber I know what to expect, a great haircut.
Jesse is absolutely great with cutting my great grandson’s hair. He gave him his first haircut; was very gentle with him. We still take him there, even though we don’t live as close now, but, consistently, he pleases my great grandson - & Grandma, as well. He has taught him how to use “product” to make him look even more handsome. He is now ten years old & I expect he will someday take his son there. Great barber!!
Mr. Cobb is the best Barber I have ever had. I have went to him to get my hair cut for eight years. He is always friendly, and he is great with kids. And he says "I can take off as much as you want, I just cant put it back on."