I liked my massage. Body massage was 30 dollars for 30 minutes. I had to pay first which I rather pay after my massage with a tip. My masseuse was nice, she was quiet the whole time but I'm fine with that. I told her I didn't want it rough and she listened. Room was warm and peaceful with nice music. I would go back.
May 2024
This place was a god send at last minute. I've been dealing with neck and shoulder pain for a while. Just couldn't take it anymore, came here right after I was done with work in tosa. I feel so bad I couldn't remember her name but she was amazing! Either I misheard her name as sue or Susan or I didn't pay attention cause I was in pain. But I hope I got her name right. If not, She was still great. I'll definitely be back it's so close to my house. Thank you!
May 2024
I met an angel named Luna here today. This was my first visit for reflexology but it will not be my last. Luna was attentive, polite, friendly and she has magic hands. Wonderful pressure. This is an awesome spot to leave your cares behind for a short while. Even though it’s in a strip mall it was quiet and calming. Very clean and neat. I will definitely recommend to family and friends. Thank you for a magical visit.
I liked my massage. Body massage was 30 dollars for 30 minutes. I had to pay first which I rather pay after my massage with a tip. My masseuse was nice, she was quiet the whole time but I'm fine with that. I told her I didn't want it rough and she listened. Room was warm and peaceful with nice music. I would go back.
This place was a god send at last minute. I've been dealing with neck and shoulder pain for a while. Just couldn't take it anymore, came here right after I was done with work in tosa. I feel so bad I couldn't remember her name but she was amazing! Either I misheard her name as sue or Susan or I didn't pay attention cause I was in pain. But I hope I got her name right. If not, She was still great. I'll definitely be back it's so close to my house. Thank you!
I met an angel named Luna here today. This was my first visit for reflexology but it will not be my last. Luna was attentive, polite, friendly and she has magic hands. Wonderful pressure. This is an awesome spot to leave your cares behind for a short while. Even though it’s in a strip mall it was quiet and calming. Very clean and neat. I will definitely recommend to family and friends. Thank you for a magical visit.