I have using Lee Products since 1974. I do everything from casting my own bullets to reloading multiple calibers with their dies. I have upgraded my Lee press probably 5 times. Each upgrade has been an enhancement. Lee has provided excellent service for my reloading needs.
September 2023
I know some guys aren't fond of Lee, but I've generally had good luck. I have a Loadmaster that I use for handgun calibers and it works fine. With that being said, it does take some tinkering to make it work as it should, but it does work very well. If you aren't mechanically inclined, it's probably not the press for you. I also have a Lee Anniversary single stage press that's probably close to 30 years old that I still use. It's getting a bit worn but between me and my friends using it, the thing has literally done hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo, plus resizing cast bullets and de-priming cases before hitting the pin tumbler. Is... read full review
March 2023
Richard lee taught me how to reload property I read his book "modern reloading" back in 2000 you can tell by how the book is written he truly believes in educating people on how to do it correctly....most of my equipment is lee they include everything in there die sets all the dies shell holder and a dipper with some load data.....nobody elese does this! .....you guys are awesome please dont change I advise anyone that is thinking about reloading to read "modern reloading by Richard lee regardless of if you want to have a rcbs hornandy Dylan or whatever setup...but you will never go wrong with lee precision
I have using Lee Products since 1974. I do everything from casting my own bullets to reloading multiple calibers with their dies. I have upgraded my Lee press probably 5 times. Each upgrade has been an enhancement. Lee has provided excellent service for my reloading needs.
I know some guys aren't fond of Lee, but I've generally had good luck. I have a Loadmaster that I use for handgun calibers and it works fine. With that being said, it does take some tinkering to make it work as it should, but it does work very well. If you aren't mechanically inclined, it's probably not the press for you. I also have a Lee Anniversary single stage press that's probably close to 30 years old that I still use. It's getting a bit worn but between me and my friends using it, the thing has literally done hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo, plus resizing cast bullets and de-priming cases before hitting the pin tumbler. Is... read full review
Richard lee taught me how to reload property I read his book "modern reloading" back in 2000 you can tell by how the book is written he truly believes in educating people on how to do it correctly....most of my equipment is lee they include everything in there die sets all the dies shell holder and a dipper with some load data.....nobody elese does this! .....you guys are awesome please dont change I advise anyone that is thinking about reloading to read "modern reloading by Richard lee regardless of if you want to have a rcbs hornandy Dylan or whatever setup...but you will never go wrong with lee precision