There are a lot of things to celebrate in Columbus and its surrounding communities. When doing so, please give second thoughts about helium balloons. As fun as they are, beware of just randomly letting them float away. Sooner or latter the parts fall. Birds get tangled in their strings and die a slow grueling death. The plastic is also harmful on the environment and sometimes fatal to livestock, pets, and wildlife if ingested. Remember, it's Wisconsin, so please party "Wisconsibly".
There are a lot of things to celebrate in Columbus and its surrounding communities. When doing so, please give second thoughts about helium balloons. As fun as they are, beware of just randomly letting them float away. Sooner or latter the parts fall. Birds get tangled in their strings and die a slow grueling death. The plastic is also harmful on the environment and sometimes fatal to livestock, pets, and wildlife if ingested. Remember, it's Wisconsin, so please party "Wisconsibly".