Highly recommended Acupuncture Clinic. I get acupuncture treatments from this clinic for everything. From sports injuries to stress reliever and to fight the flu. I have a pretty fragile body and my body has a hard time coping with medicines and knowing that I can get a natural way to heal my injuries and illnesses it has changed my life. Doctor Kim and Suk are amazing. I work with both depending on who is available and they really take care of you as if they were your own family. They are very caring and knowledgeable. They know what they are doing.
November 2018
For a year I had a very painful shoulder. Chiropractic didn't help. Physical Therapy didn't help. Massage didn't help. Pain meds didn't help. I had received acupuncture over 10 years ago but it was not helpful. Nevertheless, I made an appointment at Eastern Treasure Acupuncture because I liked the name. After three treatments the pain was under control. I have also had upper back pain forever. So Dr. Paul Kim fixed that too...I no longer squirm around trying to get comfortable. I am very grateful for Dr. Kim, Teresa and the others at Eastern Treasure Acupuncture and hope everyone discovers this magical place.
April 2016
I have known Dr. Paul for a long time and yes, he is a great oriental medicine doctor as well as a licensed acupuncturist. I respect his knowledge, experience, and caring attitude for his patients and their family. Only one thing I wanted to clarify: Dr. Paul's wife is not just a receptionist. Yes, she is greeting patients and handles billing but she is an RN (Registered nurse). She has been assisting Dr. Paul's medical practice as a nurse. She also has a lot of knowledge about eastern herb and various treatment & procedure. Hope my posting can help enough for people who really needs caring & skillful acupuncturist!
Highly recommended Acupuncture Clinic. I get acupuncture treatments from this clinic for everything. From sports injuries to stress reliever and to fight the flu. I have a pretty fragile body and my body has a hard time coping with medicines and knowing that I can get a natural way to heal my injuries and illnesses it has changed my life. Doctor Kim and Suk are amazing. I work with both depending on who is available and they really take care of you as if they were your own family. They are very caring and knowledgeable. They know what they are doing.
For a year I had a very painful shoulder. Chiropractic didn't help. Physical Therapy didn't help. Massage didn't help. Pain meds didn't help. I had received acupuncture over 10 years ago but it was not helpful. Nevertheless, I made an appointment at Eastern Treasure Acupuncture because I liked the name. After three treatments the pain was under control. I have also had upper back pain forever. So Dr. Paul Kim fixed that too...I no longer squirm around trying to get comfortable. I am very grateful for Dr. Kim, Teresa and the others at Eastern Treasure Acupuncture and hope everyone discovers this magical place.
I have known Dr. Paul for a long time and yes, he is a great oriental medicine doctor as well as a licensed acupuncturist. I respect his knowledge, experience, and caring attitude for his patients and their family. Only one thing I wanted to clarify: Dr. Paul's wife is not just a receptionist. Yes, she is greeting patients and handles billing but she is an RN (Registered nurse). She has been assisting Dr. Paul's medical practice as a nurse. She also has a lot of knowledge about eastern herb and various treatment & procedure. Hope my posting can help enough for people who really needs caring & skillful acupuncturist!