Went to Dr. Tang as a first time experiencing fertility related acupuncture. There were at least three instances in which the needle insertion caused intense pain to the point that I cried out. I also had mild headaches for about two to three days afterwards that were frightening. That has never happened in over ten years of receiving acupuncture. I’m regretting my decision to go; and thought it was really strange that he requires a malpractice agreement to be signed before treatment. I should’ve trusted my gut and left at that moment.
February 2021
Dr Tang, takes his time to understand and recognizes the needs for your body. Takes his time to explain the benefits. He never rushes you and is always willing to help. Dr Tang is awesome!
November 2020
I was suffering from knee injury and exacerbated of my sciatica since a year ago. I visited several Orthopedic surgeons in different university s hospital without any benefit. I had an excellent experience with Dr Tang for a facial palsy due to a complication of the parotid surgery. I started to come to his office for my back of knee and sciatica pain since a month ago and I am seeing significant changes in my pain. I advise him to anyone who doesn’t rely on only western medicine.
Went to Dr. Tang as a first time experiencing fertility related acupuncture. There were at least three instances in which the needle insertion caused intense pain to the point that I cried out. I also had mild headaches for about two to three days afterwards that were frightening. That has never happened in over ten years of receiving acupuncture. I’m regretting my decision to go; and thought it was really strange that he requires a malpractice agreement to be signed before treatment. I should’ve trusted my gut and left at that moment.
Dr Tang, takes his time to understand and recognizes the needs for your body. Takes his time to explain the benefits. He never rushes you and is always willing to help. Dr Tang is awesome!
I was suffering from knee injury and exacerbated of my sciatica since a year ago. I visited several Orthopedic surgeons in different university s hospital without any benefit. I had an excellent experience with Dr Tang for a facial palsy due to a complication of the parotid surgery. I started to come to his office for my back of knee and sciatica pain since a month ago and I am seeing significant changes in my pain. I advise him to anyone who doesn’t rely on only western medicine.