A very nice store with plenty of options for organizing just about anything. You can certainly find a lot of these products or very similar products for much lower cost at other retailers. The advantage to The Container Store is that everything you need is in one place with very knowledgeable sales associates to help you achieve your organizational goals. The container store isn't about containers it's about getting your space organized and keeping it organized.
November 2023
Lots of containers here. So many containers. You can store so much stuff in all these containers. If you want to store your stuff in things, this is the place to go. They have so many things to store your stuff in. They actually have a lot of great kitchen stuff also. If you’re trying to convince your wife or girlfriend or mistress to go here, let her know that it’s more than just containers but it’s mostly just containers.
February 2023
First time here in VA! I had no idea they did closets, and although they didn't have any designers available late Sunday afternoon, one of the floor workers was extremely helpful in providing information for virtual design and support. They also offer 2 yrs interest free for closets. It's worth checking out since literally every other closet store is closed on Sundays or only open 9 to 5 during the week.
A very nice store with plenty of options for organizing just about anything. You can certainly find a lot of these products or very similar products for much lower cost at other retailers. The advantage to The Container Store is that everything you need is in one place with very knowledgeable sales associates to help you achieve your organizational goals. The container store isn't about containers it's about getting your space organized and keeping it organized.
Lots of containers here. So many containers. You can store so much stuff in all these containers. If you want to store your stuff in things, this is the place to go. They have so many things to store your stuff in. They actually have a lot of great kitchen stuff also. If you’re trying to convince your wife or girlfriend or mistress to go here, let her know that it’s more than just containers but it’s mostly just containers.
First time here in VA! I had no idea they did closets, and although they didn't have any designers available late Sunday afternoon, one of the floor workers was extremely helpful in providing information for virtual design and support. They also offer 2 yrs interest free for closets. It's worth checking out since literally every other closet store is closed on Sundays or only open 9 to 5 during the week.