Dr. Ainsley and her team are amazing. Dr. Ainsley does both Chiropractic and Acupuncture, which is a great combination for addressing any alignment and/or pain issues regardless of the cause. She is an expert at quickly finding the root cause and setting up a program that gets you feeling your best again. I've only been seeing her a short time but the results are outstanding and after each session I feel the continued improvement. I'm working out and swimming daily with little or no restriction or pain, and at 25 years old with 45 years experience that says a lot right there. Give them a call and you won't be sorry you did.
October 2023
I’ve been seeing Dr. Henson for over two years. You are missing out if she’s not apart of your life. From weekly to monthly adjustments she has helped my body recover from two back to back births and poor health habits (slouching and not stretching).Along with excellent adjustments she’s able to recommend great stretches and other self care tips to help improve my quality of life. It’s easy to make an appointment with her online and she is extremely understanding if you have to bring your children with you to appointments. I truly cannot say enough wonderful things about this practice.
May 2023
Dr. Hendon has honestly changed my life. I am not in the constant lower back pain that I was before I came to her. She listens to you, and then is seriously the BEST! Can't recommend her enough for any chiropractic needs or for acupuncture!
Dr. Ainsley and her team are amazing. Dr. Ainsley does both Chiropractic and Acupuncture, which is a great combination for addressing any alignment and/or pain issues regardless of the cause. She is an expert at quickly finding the root cause and setting up a program that gets you feeling your best again. I've only been seeing her a short time but the results are outstanding and after each session I feel the continued improvement. I'm working out and swimming daily with little or no restriction or pain, and at 25 years old with 45 years experience that says a lot right there. Give them a call and you won't be sorry you did.
I’ve been seeing Dr. Henson for over two years. You are missing out if she’s not apart of your life. From weekly to monthly adjustments she has helped my body recover from two back to back births and poor health habits (slouching and not stretching).Along with excellent adjustments she’s able to recommend great stretches and other self care tips to help improve my quality of life. It’s easy to make an appointment with her online and she is extremely understanding if you have to bring your children with you to appointments. I truly cannot say enough wonderful things about this practice.
Dr. Hendon has honestly changed my life. I am not in the constant lower back pain that I was before I came to her. She listens to you, and then is seriously the BEST! Can't recommend her enough for any chiropractic needs or for acupuncture!