“? I'm a question asker, a bit of a tom boy and, very wary of what I put on my skin. ? Aime explained every step to me, made me feel comfortable with the products she chooses and, delivered exactly what I wanted. ? The spray tan helped me even out my skin tone (major farmers tan) and I left feeling confident in myself and my time there.“
“So I went in to have my spray tan done . It's been a few years ago . I'm happy that Charlotte did my spray tan this morning. I be back to tan 2maro morning sometime.“
“? I'm a question asker, a bit of a tom boy and, very wary of what I put on my skin.
? Aime explained every step to me, made me feel comfortable with the products she chooses and, delivered exactly what I wanted.
? The spray tan helped me even out my skin tone (major farmers tan) and I left feeling confident in myself and my time there.“