Today I had Kiki to do the massage for me. She understood that I have back pain problem, she patiently scrub and massage my back. She is really professional and love her massage techniques. My back feels fully relief after her massage.Also, Kiki is very friendly, and highly recommend to go to Smooth Water spa and ask for Kiki. I'm sure you'll be a very happy customer!
June 2023
First time visiting this massage place from a recommendation by a close friend. I must say, I am hugely surprised and amazed that such a great masseuse exist in Fairfax City. Hard to find great massage spa these days, and it seems there are so many of them. Mia definitely is an experienced therapist, as she asks and communicate with me throughout the 60 minutes I booked. The place is clean, professional, and definitely worth it. Defnitely coming back.
May 2023
Mia and Angela are the best! I always go for the facial and massage because, why not? The price point for each service are all reasonable considering they provide the best service, and they really are both the best at what they do. Sometimes I bring my partner and we have the couple massage and facial session for 90 minutes. It is worth it! I highly recommend this spa.
Today I had Kiki to do the massage for me. She understood that I have back pain problem, she patiently scrub and massage my back. She is really professional and love her massage techniques. My back feels fully relief after her massage.Also, Kiki is very friendly, and highly recommend to go to Smooth Water spa and ask for Kiki. I'm sure you'll be a very happy customer!
First time visiting this massage place from a recommendation by a close friend. I must say, I am hugely surprised and amazed that such a great masseuse exist in Fairfax City. Hard to find great massage spa these days, and it seems there are so many of them. Mia definitely is an experienced therapist, as she asks and communicate with me throughout the 60 minutes I booked. The place is clean, professional, and definitely worth it. Defnitely coming back.
Mia and Angela are the best! I always go for the facial and massage because, why not? The price point for each service are all reasonable considering they provide the best service, and they really are both the best at what they do. Sometimes I bring my partner and we have the couple massage and facial session for 90 minutes. It is worth it! I highly recommend this spa.