“This vet came highly recommended to me as a place that really cares about the animal over making the most money. Because they more than have their hands full in Wheeler, thy have started a wait list for those who come from several towns away. I pray a great blessing on them for their loving care for our beloved pets and sufficient funds and help that they will be able to take on all who come to them for help as I know of no vet in Pampa who puts the animal first over the almighty buck.“
“This vet came highly recommended to me as a place that really cares about the animal over making the most money. Because they more than have their hands full in Wheeler, thy have started a wait list for those who come from several towns away. I pray a great blessing on them for their loving care for our beloved pets and sufficient funds and help that they will be able to take on all who come to them for help as I know of no vet in Pampa who puts the animal first over the almighty buck.“