I've been here several times after my mom initially recommended this place to me. I've gone individually and with my girlfriend. They offer the couple massages, which was a nice experience. I've gotten the deep tissue massages each time I've gone and the price is EXTREMELY reasonable, as well as much cheaper than the corporate massage companies. They do make you pay for the cost of the massage up front, however, I understand the reasoning of this as they are a small, locally owned establishment, in addition to the fact that there's likely a reason why they require that. The massage therapists are very polite, respectful, and offer a very relaxing... read full review
November 2023
Genuinely have never had a bad experience here. Everyone is so nice and accommodating. I go here fairly often and always leave feeling refreshed. Last time I actually fell asleep if that says anything.
June 2023
We got a couple s deep tissue massage and we were super impressed. The focus on my problem area was amazing.Fey worked on me while Ana worked on my husband.They were able to work me in same day as I desperately needed help with my neck and upper back. Thank y’all.Thank you.
I've been here several times after my mom initially recommended this place to me. I've gone individually and with my girlfriend. They offer the couple massages, which was a nice experience. I've gotten the deep tissue massages each time I've gone and the price is EXTREMELY reasonable, as well as much cheaper than the corporate massage companies. They do make you pay for the cost of the massage up front, however, I understand the reasoning of this as they are a small, locally owned establishment, in addition to the fact that there's likely a reason why they require that. The massage therapists are very polite, respectful, and offer a very relaxing... read full review
Genuinely have never had a bad experience here. Everyone is so nice and accommodating. I go here fairly often and always leave feeling refreshed. Last time I actually fell asleep if that says anything.
We got a couple s deep tissue massage and we were super impressed. The focus on my problem area was amazing.Fey worked on me while Ana worked on my husband.They were able to work me in same day as I desperately needed help with my neck and upper back. Thank y’all.Thank you.