From Turner Chiropractic
Chiropractic care has become the primary alternative, that people seek daily, for their health. Treating and preventing neck and back pain, with chiropractic care, has become the #1 choice for most patients. Chiropractors, are doctors highly specialized in the care and maintenance of spine related complaints and care to that of all joints. The federal government has concluded that spinal manipulations by chiropractors are one of the preferred early treatments for acute low back pain. When your spinal vertebrae are misaligned, there can be a pinching effect on the nerves. These nerves exit between the spinal vertebrae. When impinged, they can create local or traveling pain. These nerves can inversely affect the various systems in the body.
Amazing!! Well worth the time and the visit was so fabulous! A great doc!! As an out of towner in pain grumpy and older the doc took it to a new level! He helped me out!! I would highly recommend him!!
Miracle hands.. the best I’ve visited by far.. Thankyou doctor Turner?. Also the awesome nurse/receptionist ?. Amazing experience.. dint realize Chiro is so effective and immediate. Love you all?And Thankyou.. They treat you like family ❤️And Thankyou for getting rid of my pain??
I phoned for an appointment yesterday morning and was promptly seen that afternoon. I had injured my back and could not even stand upright. Dr Turner and his staff were very polite and thorough. I was treated and felt instant relief. Clearly not 100% but I was no longer in an acute amount of pain and I could stand upright and walk like a normal human being. I am currently at a follow up and once again I was greeted and treated in a professional manner. Dr Turner explains everything and answers all of your questions. I highly recommend this office for all of your chiropractic needs.