You can certainly pay more or find a shop with different insurance connections. You will however not find better quality frames, lenses and fitting.After forgetting about CE, we're happy to go back always.
November 2023
Absolutely fantastic service, we were driving through and I broke my frames, these guys had a huge selection, were able to make my current lenses fit and I was in and out in no time at all. Best service ever. Wish these folks were closer to my home!!!
June 2023
Excellent selection and great customer service at Creative Eyewear. They have a wide selection of frames not seen at other places. I plan on using them for all my eye-ware needs in the future.
You can certainly pay more or find a shop with different insurance connections. You will however not find better quality frames, lenses and fitting.After forgetting about CE, we're happy to go back always.
Absolutely fantastic service, we were driving through and I broke my frames, these guys had a huge selection, were able to make my current lenses fit and I was in and out in no time at all. Best service ever. Wish these folks were closer to my home!!!
Excellent selection and great customer service at Creative Eyewear. They have a wide selection of frames not seen at other places. I plan on using them for all my eye-ware needs in the future.