Tom was very thorough and kind. He made getting a quality and pretty new roof low stress. He was patient and most importantly...he did exactly what he said he would do. I would definitely recommend Driftwood Builders Roofing. Lea Whatley
August 2024
I would highly recommend this company. Everything was explained to me in detail, the workmanship was top quality. They arrived on time and cleaned up everything thoroughly after finishing. The use a magnet to detect roofing nails which I really appreciated. I would definitely use them again.
January 2024
Tom was very thorough and kind. He made getting a quality and pretty new roof low stress. He was patient and most importantly...he did exactly what he said he would do. I would definitely recommend Driftwood Builders Roofing. Lea Whatley
Tom was very thorough and kind. He made getting a quality and pretty new roof low stress. He was patient and most importantly...he did exactly what he said he would do. I would definitely recommend Driftwood Builders Roofing. Lea Whatley
I would highly recommend this company. Everything was explained to me in detail, the workmanship was top quality. They arrived on time and cleaned up everything thoroughly after finishing. The use a magnet to detect roofing nails which I really appreciated. I would definitely use them again.
Tom was very thorough and kind. He made getting a quality and pretty new roof low stress. He was patient and most importantly...he did exactly what he said he would do. I would definitely recommend Driftwood Builders Roofing. Lea Whatley