⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 stars to Michayla. I CAN’T say enough good things about her! She is absolutely perfect when it comes to waxing and shaping my brows. She is professional, meticulous, and always makes sure I leave feeling my best. She is SO good that I swear she could wax your brows in her sleep ? Her attention to detail is unmatched, and she has a wonderful personality that makes every visit enjoyable. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for top-notch brow waxing services!"
June 2024
Experience is definitely a valued skill when it comes to waxing, and my waxer has it in spades. Appreciate her technique and dedication towards making the experience as enjoyable as possible.
June 2024
Michayla is a delight and a seasoned professional, I cannot sing her praises loudly enough. This was my first wax ever, and thanks to her impeccable skill, it definitely won't be the last.
⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 stars to Michayla. I CAN’T say enough good things about her! She is absolutely perfect when it comes to waxing and shaping my brows. She is professional, meticulous, and always makes sure I leave feeling my best. She is SO good that I swear she could wax your brows in her sleep ? Her attention to detail is unmatched, and she has a wonderful personality that makes every visit enjoyable. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for top-notch brow waxing services!"
Experience is definitely a valued skill when it comes to waxing, and my waxer has it in spades. Appreciate her technique and dedication towards making the experience as enjoyable as possible.
Michayla is a delight and a seasoned professional, I cannot sing her praises loudly enough. This was my first wax ever, and thanks to her impeccable skill, it definitely won't be the last.