JACKIE!! MY GUY! Constantly does his THING YALL! the prices are fairly well, but always come back for him specifically. You need a design? You got it. He can do it all without fail. Ask for him when you come in.
June 2024
the ones doing our pedicures today 06/01 were amazing. Hanna and her coworker Me (probably spelled name incorrectl) were professional and down to earth. I drive from Wachachie area to Mesquite which is a 45 minute drive. there are other decent places that do your nails, but I like the ambience there and they treat me very well. I highly recommend them and if you are looking for a nail set with crazy designs, you can also ask for John. if you have other social media, look him up on Instagram @setsbyjohn. Thank you :) I have gone almost every 3 to 4 weeks. I also appreciate the gentleman at the front desk. He has very good nice and does everything in a calmly manner.
August 2023
I’ve been going here for over 20 years! I try somewhere else but end up right back in Julie’s seat & lee on my toes!
This is a busy spot ALL the time! But they do good work!
JACKIE!! MY GUY! Constantly does his THING YALL! the prices are fairly well, but always come back for him specifically. You need a design? You got it. He can do it all without fail. Ask for him when you come in.
the ones doing our pedicures today 06/01 were amazing. Hanna and her coworker Me (probably spelled name incorrectl) were professional and down to earth. I drive from Wachachie area to Mesquite which is a 45 minute drive. there are other decent places that do your nails, but I like the ambience there and they treat me very well. I highly recommend them and if you are looking for a nail set with crazy designs, you can also ask for John. if you have other social media, look him up on Instagram @setsbyjohn. Thank you :) I have gone almost every 3 to 4 weeks. I also appreciate the gentleman at the front desk. He has very good nice and does everything in a calmly manner.
I’ve been going here for over 20 years! I try somewhere else but end up right back in Julie’s seat & lee on my toes!
This is a busy spot ALL the time! But they do good work!