⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?!! My sister, her daughter and her daughters daughter & myself all had mani & pedis for my sister‘s wedding; Debbie (the owner, Monsieur Michel is wonderful, too!) made sure we had a fabulous time! My 9yo great niece especially felt pampered by Debbie. Julie was my gel mani tech and she did a fantastic job (see the before and after pix) so she’s my new gal?☺️ and I believe it was Tina that did my pedicure.? Sorry the photos are a little blurry, but I wanted to post the results. Nail Trends is my absolute favorite salon, ever: the service, the ambience, the results⭐️?☺️. Thank you, Debbie and Team Nail Trends! we all... read full review
July 2024
I have been coming to Nail Trends for over 5 years and have been very pleased with every service I have had done. From the warm welcome to the sincere farewell, the staff treat you like family! I highly recommend this salon to anyone looking for great service and an amazing finished product.
July 2024
By far the sharpest stilettos around! Whenever I’m in town this is the place to be. Got a full acrylic set and a pedicure, everyone was super sweet and detail oriented, the design is amazing and all around very happy with the service!
(cuts on fingers were there prior to nail services, bad habit i have?)
Requested style: Requested 4 nails solid color 1 nail solid on both sides, came out perfect
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?!! My sister, her daughter and her daughters daughter & myself all had mani & pedis for my sister‘s wedding; Debbie (the owner, Monsieur Michel is wonderful, too!) made sure we had a fabulous time! My 9yo great niece especially felt pampered by Debbie. Julie was my gel mani tech and she did a fantastic job (see the before and after pix) so she’s my new gal?☺️ and I believe it was Tina that did my pedicure.? Sorry the photos are a little blurry, but I wanted to post the results. Nail Trends is my absolute favorite salon, ever: the service, the ambience, the results⭐️?☺️. Thank you, Debbie and Team Nail Trends! we all... read full review
I have been coming to Nail Trends for over 5 years and have been very pleased with every service I have had done. From the warm welcome to the sincere farewell, the staff treat you like family! I highly recommend this salon to anyone looking for great service and an amazing finished product.
By far the sharpest stilettos around! Whenever I’m in town this is the place to be. Got a full acrylic set and a pedicure, everyone was super sweet and detail oriented, the design is amazing and all around very happy with the service!
(cuts on fingers were there prior to nail services, bad habit i have?)
Requested style: Requested 4 nails solid color 1 nail solid on both sides, came out perfect