very pleased with Brent of merideth and Voorhees! came out fixed my clogged sink, leaking garbage disposal and replaced faucet even on a holiday weekend. call them for all your plumbing needs! will definitely be my go to guy!!!highly highly recommend
June 2022
I called for them to come out to install a dishwasher, a drain and, electrical hook ups. They came out one day and looked at everything that they were gonna need for the job and said they would be back the next day in the morning I said that was fine. They came out the next day installed everything the drain hook up for my dishwasher, corrected a plumbing issue that was with my kitchen sink no extra charge, had to go to the store and get more parts; installed two 110 outlets on my island and installed an additional 220 outlet for a window unit air conditioner . They were Professional, polite and courteous really nice gentleman did outstanding work. I would recommend them... read full review
November 2019
Several years ago, we called them out due to sewer line issues. They ran the camera down the line and found issues. Had to dig up line to septic tank and replace. Previous owner attempted a fix that failed; it was just patched together quickly. They replaced line from septic tank to house foundation including a clean out access point.
very pleased with Brent of merideth and Voorhees! came out fixed my clogged sink, leaking garbage disposal and replaced faucet even on a holiday weekend. call them for all your plumbing needs! will definitely be my go to guy!!!highly highly recommend
I called for them to come out to install a dishwasher, a drain and, electrical hook ups. They came out one day and looked at everything that they were gonna need for the job and said they would be back the next day in the morning I said that was fine. They came out the next day installed everything the drain hook up for my dishwasher, corrected a plumbing issue that was with my kitchen sink no extra charge, had to go to the store and get more parts; installed two 110 outlets on my island and installed an additional 220 outlet for a window unit air conditioner . They were Professional, polite and courteous really nice gentleman did outstanding work. I would recommend them... read full review
Several years ago, we called them out due to sewer line issues. They ran the camera down the line and found issues. Had to dig up line to septic tank and replace. Previous owner attempted a fix that failed; it was just patched together quickly. They replaced line from septic tank to house foundation including a clean out access point.