From Modern Acupuncture
We are on a mission to MAKE LIVES BETTER by propelling acupuncture to the mainstream. Acupuncture is for EVERYONE and because of that, we have created a way to deliver first-class, optimal care for the modern individual. We can all relate to, what we like to call, Modern Lifestyle Syndrome (MLS); consistently stressed, in pain or not giving ourselves the kind of self-care essential to living our best lives. As a team, we understand that stress and pain are unavoidable attributes of simply living, which is why it was so important for us to establish a way to provide: Convenience for hectic, busy schedules so we are open nights and weekends, plus our individual treatments are 30 minutes or less. Affordable Treatment Plans so anyone can get...
Modern Acupuncture aims to make acupuncture accessible to everyone by offering convenient and effective care. Recognizing the challenges of modern life, they provide short, 30-minute treatments that fit busy schedules, with extended hours including nights and weekends. Patients praise the friendly and caring staff who create a relaxing atmosphere. Many individuals report positive results, including reduced pain, inflammation, and improved overall well-being. Modern Acupuncture's adaptability allows them to tailor treatments to individual needs, making it a suitable option for a range of health concerns.