Restoration following a devastating flood due to a water leak was completed in a timely and satisfactory manner. After some unfortunate confusion, due to a series of rather bizarre circumstances, I received a call from Mr. John Fowler informing me how he had issued a check to our church as compensation for damages/losses incurred in the process of restoration. That, folks, is the act of an honorable man. Trust him with your next project.
September 2023
We have had Fowler construction to our house 4 times for an add on to our home. Each time the came they saw a they went. No follow up calls no prices. The last time a young man called me an promised to come and he acted like he wanted our business. We traded numbers and when he did not show I texted him an received no response… not recommended
August 2023
Takes a week for them to come out and a week for an estimate. "You guys sure are quick to reply to a negative comment maybe if you could put a quote together in less than a week would be doing business"
Restoration following a devastating flood due to a water leak was completed in a timely and satisfactory manner. After some unfortunate confusion, due to a series of rather bizarre circumstances, I received a call from Mr. John Fowler informing me how he had issued a check to our church as compensation for damages/losses incurred in the process of restoration. That, folks, is the act of an honorable man. Trust him with your next project.
We have had Fowler construction to our house 4 times for an add on to our home. Each time the came they saw a they went. No follow up calls no prices. The last time a young man called me an promised to come and he acted like he wanted our business. We traded numbers and when he did not show I texted him an received no response… not recommended
Takes a week for them to come out and a week for an estimate. "You guys sure are quick to reply to a negative comment maybe if you could put a quote together in less than a week would be doing business"