⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️I have been a client of Massage Health for two years. Dee's background in physical therapy makes her extremely knowledgeable about how the body works so she can better customize her treatment of your issues. She has magic fingers that find spots I didn't even know were a problem! Stop thinking of massage as a luxury and make your self-care a priority.
October 2017
Anyone out there in need of an amazing therapeutic pampering make your call to Dee Solberg at Massage Health!! She's not only an amazing friend she's a great therapist! Thanks for all you do Dee!! �U!!
May 2017
I went to see Dee about 3 weeks ago when my lower back was in an extreme amount of pain and she worked wonders to get me moving again before a trip where we were going to be doing a lot of walking! I can't wait to go back to her again.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️I have been a client of Massage Health for two years. Dee's background in physical therapy makes her extremely knowledgeable about how the body works so she can better customize her treatment of your issues. She has magic fingers that find spots I didn't even know were a problem! Stop thinking of massage as a luxury and make your self-care a priority.
Anyone out there in need of an amazing therapeutic pampering make your call to Dee Solberg at Massage Health!! She's not only an amazing friend she's a great therapist! Thanks for all you do Dee!! �U!!
I went to see Dee about 3 weeks ago when my lower back was in an extreme amount of pain and she worked wonders to get me moving again before a trip where we were going to be doing a lot of walking! I can't wait to go back to her again.