Save yourself from aweful customer service and terrible job. After unpleasant experience in her office Brenda daughter, I belive her name is Sheryl, she faild to send all documents to IRS and SC Department of Revenue. Because of that me and my husband were fined. When I called her to tell her that she was rude and telling me that was not her job. They lost one decent lady that worked there and got the job done. I will never be back again.
Save yourself from aweful customer service and terrible job. After unpleasant experience in her office Brenda daughter, I belive her name is Sheryl, she faild to send all documents to IRS and SC Department of Revenue. Because of that me and my husband were fined. When I called her to tell her that she was rude and telling me that was not her job. They lost one decent lady that worked there and got the job done. I will never be back again.