On Saturday evening my PC crashed. Unable to revive. Took the system over to Adam at It's Just Wire and he quickly diagnosed a failing HDD. He replaced it with a 500 GB Solid State Drive and it's FASTER than ever. Same day turnaround. Excellent business.
June 2022
My company has used It's Just Wire for over 10 years. When we call with an issue, they are so prompt to respond, we never have any worries about not being able to use our technology. If someone is out of the office, they always have a back up waiting to help! Would highly recommend.
September 2018
We have used It's Just Wire for our business for many years. They have been very responsive to our needs and have made necessary recommendations to keep our business current in the ever changing technology front. We highly recommend them to anyone looking for a superior technology company!
On Saturday evening my PC crashed. Unable to revive. Took the system over to Adam at It's Just Wire and he quickly diagnosed a failing HDD. He replaced it with a 500 GB Solid State Drive and it's FASTER than ever. Same day turnaround. Excellent business.
My company has used It's Just Wire for over 10 years. When we call with an issue, they are so prompt to respond, we never have any worries about not being able to use our technology. If someone is out of the office, they always have a back up waiting to help! Would highly recommend.
We have used It's Just Wire for our business for many years. They have been very responsive to our needs and have made necessary recommendations to keep our business current in the ever changing technology front. We highly recommend them to anyone looking for a superior technology company!