For me personally this was not a good experience. I should of realized when you have to pay for the service when making the appointment and you are asked to include a tip before getting the address of the salon. I wanted natural looking lashes, not glued on. The first set Erica applied looked like caterpillars. She offered to try another set but while removing them, the solution that removes the glue got into my eyes. Keep in mind I wasn't asked about any allergies and no waiver was signed which were red flags. No gloves were used and no hands washed. The next set of lashes were heavy and the glue weighed them down. At this point I just wanted out and she had started... read full review
February 2019
Always a pleasurable experience! Erica has been doing my hair for years nothing but the best results! My hair is at its healthiest when her hands are in it!
June 2018
I absolutely love it! Erica is amazing when it comes to hair care! I don’t know what I would do without her. Thanks boo keep doing what you do? Her products are life changing!
For me personally this was not a good experience. I should of realized when you have to pay for the service when making the appointment and you are asked to include a tip before getting the address of the salon. I wanted natural looking lashes, not glued on. The first set Erica applied looked like caterpillars. She offered to try another set but while removing them, the solution that removes the glue got into my eyes. Keep in mind I wasn't asked about any allergies and no waiver was signed which were red flags. No gloves were used and no hands washed. The next set of lashes were heavy and the glue weighed them down. At this point I just wanted out and she had started... read full review
Always a pleasurable experience! Erica has been doing my hair for years nothing but the best results! My hair is at its healthiest when her hands are in it!
I absolutely love it! Erica is amazing when it comes to hair care! I don’t know what I would do without her. Thanks boo keep doing what you do? Her products are life changing!