It is through fine needles inserted in strategic locations carefully determined in advance by Mylène Brunet, acupuncturist since 2005, that the full therapeutic potential of acupuncture will be deployed.Unlike specialized medicine, acupuncture is a general medicine that considers the individual as a whole. Treatments are personalized according to the needs of each person. The advantages are numerous. Acupuncture can be used to cure muscular disorders, inflammation, insomnia, fatigue, migraines and digestive disorders, as well as to reduce stress and cure certain depressions.
It is through fine needles inserted in strategic locations carefully determined in advance by Mylène Brunet, acupuncturist since 2005, that the full therapeutic potential of acupuncture will be deployed.Unlike specialized medicine, acupuncture is a general medicine that considers the individual as a whole. Treatments are personalized according to the needs of each person. The advantages are numerous. Acupuncture can be used to cure muscular disorders, inflammation, insomnia, fatigue, migraines and digestive disorders, as well as to reduce stress and cure certain depressions.