From LOV Salon & Spa
Located in the heart of Ste-Dorotheé Laval, LOV Salon Spa is a modern and professional salon offering a full range of hair care and spa services. We love our guests, our team, and our community! We strive to promote beauty inside and out, and we work with the best brands that compliment our beliefs. Call us today, and be our guest! Situé au coeur de Ste-Dorothée Laval, LOV Salon Spa est un salon moderne et professionnel offrant une gamme complète de soins capillaires et de services de spa. Nous aimons nos invités, notre équipe et notre communauté! Nous nous efforçons de promouvoir la beauté à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur, et nous travaillons avec les meilleures marques qui complètent nos convictions.
LOV Salon & Spa, located in Ste-Dorotheé Laval, is a modern and professional salon that offers a wide range of hair care and spa services. The salon is known for its highly skilled hairstylists, particularly Angela, who is praised for her professionalism and exceptional skills in blonde coloring. Guests feel confident in Angela's abilities, as she takes the time to listen to their requests and ensures the end result matches their desired look. Many guests have had balayage services done by Angela and have been extremely satisfied with the outcome, noting that she is the only person they trust with their hair. Angela's attention to detail, commitment to precision, and friendly personality make each appointment a memorable and satisfying experience. LOV Salon & Spa promotes beauty both inside and out and works with top brands that align with their beliefs. If you're looking for a reliable and skilled hairstylist, LOV Salon & Spa is the place to go, and be sure to ask for Angela.