Fast, friendly, and great work! They've been coming here for years. (usually for bees... the bad kind). This time, we had a yellow jacket hive in our wall. They ate a small hole in the drywall and started coming through! (I never knew they ate drywall!) Dan came out the same day, quickly found and exterminated the hive, and didn't even have to break the wall open! He was really informative, explained what he was doing and why, showed me where the bees were coming in, and even taught me things I never knew... like why the bees eat the drywall. In the end, we had no more bees and no drywall to replace! He took care of the whole mess with just a few small drill... read full review
September 2023
We called this morning about a European Hornet problem and they were here within hours. Don was knowledgeable and took care of the problem immediately.We normally don't bother bees, wasps and hornets but these guys were huge and nasty.Thanks for the excellent service!
September 2023
We were having an issue with ants around our house inside and out. I called Vermin Control and within hours I had Evan show up at my door and start accessing the situation and then immediately beginning the spraying process. He was very professional, helpful, and patient as I asked my questions during the process. Thank you to Evan and Vermin Control for a fast and professional experience!Service: Ant extermination
Fast, friendly, and great work! They've been coming here for years. (usually for bees... the bad kind). This time, we had a yellow jacket hive in our wall. They ate a small hole in the drywall and started coming through! (I never knew they ate drywall!) Dan came out the same day, quickly found and exterminated the hive, and didn't even have to break the wall open! He was really informative, explained what he was doing and why, showed me where the bees were coming in, and even taught me things I never knew... like why the bees eat the drywall. In the end, we had no more bees and no drywall to replace! He took care of the whole mess with just a few small drill... read full review
We called this morning about a European Hornet problem and they were here within hours. Don was knowledgeable and took care of the problem immediately.We normally don't bother bees, wasps and hornets but these guys were huge and nasty.Thanks for the excellent service!
We were having an issue with ants around our house inside and out. I called Vermin Control and within hours I had Evan show up at my door and start accessing the situation and then immediately beginning the spraying process. He was very professional, helpful, and patient as I asked my questions during the process. Thank you to Evan and Vermin Control for a fast and professional experience!Service: Ant extermination