Winston works hard knows his stuff. He developed a thorough game plan to develop our ideas and vision into a practical remodel. He also came up with clever and professional solutions to unexpected situations we encountered as the work unfolded. Five stars.
February 2023
Winston and his team have done three jobs on my mom's house and each time they have done work, we have been extremely pleased. They did a full bathroom renovation - removing all materials down to the studs and rebuilding, including replacing a tub with a walk-in shower. Another job was installation of a sliding glass door, and the third job was the replacement of siding and gutter/drainpipe on a dormer addition.They are always on time, professional and work hard to get the job done in a timely manner. I highly recommend them for just about any construction needs.Services: General construction
Winston works hard knows his stuff. He developed a thorough game plan to develop our ideas and vision into a practical remodel. He also came up with clever and professional solutions to unexpected situations we encountered as the work unfolded. Five stars.
Winston and his team have done three jobs on my mom's house and each time they have done work, we have been extremely pleased. They did a full bathroom renovation - removing all materials down to the studs and rebuilding, including replacing a tub with a walk-in shower. Another job was installation of a sliding glass door, and the third job was the replacement of siding and gutter/drainpipe on a dormer addition.They are always on time, professional and work hard to get the job done in a timely manner. I highly recommend them for just about any construction needs.Services: General construction