These folks are great. They make it really easy to compost and really easy to opt out any week you are out of town or just haven't accumulated enough compost. They are really timely and have clear communication.
August 2024
So happy we joined Bennet Compost a year or so ago! We had been hauling our compost to a free site blocks away, this is more convenient so we compost so consistently. When someone took my lid, they replaced it no charge and so easy. And, we got some compost back that is helping my garden grow!
August 2024
One of our favorite investments! No more smelly garbage cans (and we take it out way less often!), you can buy compost and potting soil from them, and you feel good about limiting the impact on the planet. What’s not to love??
These folks are great. They make it really easy to compost and really easy to opt out any week you are out of town or just haven't accumulated enough compost. They are really timely and have clear communication.
So happy we joined Bennet Compost a year or so ago! We had been hauling our compost to a free site blocks away, this is more convenient so we compost so consistently. When someone took my lid, they replaced it no charge and so easy. And, we got some compost back that is helping my garden grow!
One of our favorite investments! No more smelly garbage cans (and we take it out way less often!), you can buy compost and potting soil from them, and you feel good about limiting the impact on the planet. What’s not to love??