Called them 02/09/24 late afternoon they got right back to with a email address that could pictures of the broken cam lock. bought closets about fifteen years ago . Sending cam locks out today they were very helpful.
December 2023
Seemed like a daunting task when the 800-pound pallet arrived and layed on my garage floor for a few days. Just took it one step at a time. The directions were simple and all the pieces were labelled. Followed the directions to the letter and put the whole walk-in closet system in in one day. Very proud of the design and enjoying a custom closet now instead of the old contractor wired system. Thanks to the 'Closets To Go Team' everything was labelled and the directions were pretty simple.
September 2023
CTG installed the original cabinets in my house 16 years ago. They look great and have held up well. Recently a couple drawers were broken by accident. I made an appointment with CTG to have them repaired. I dropped the drawers off and came back an hour later. The drawers were rebuilt to new condition. I got my wallet out to pay for the repairs and they said there was "no's on us". I was shocked. No one provides this kind of service anymore, especially 16 years after the original install. Yes they did! I thought the least I could do was write this review and give them a 5 star rating.
Called them 02/09/24 late afternoon they got right back to with a email address that could pictures of the broken cam lock. bought closets about fifteen years ago . Sending cam locks out today they were very helpful.
Seemed like a daunting task when the 800-pound pallet arrived and layed on my garage floor for a few days. Just took it one step at a time. The directions were simple and all the pieces were labelled. Followed the directions to the letter and put the whole walk-in closet system in in one day. Very proud of the design and enjoying a custom closet now instead of the old contractor wired system. Thanks to the 'Closets To Go Team' everything was labelled and the directions were pretty simple.
CTG installed the original cabinets in my house 16 years ago. They look great and have held up well. Recently a couple drawers were broken by accident. I made an appointment with CTG to have them repaired. I dropped the drawers off and came back an hour later. The drawers were rebuilt to new condition. I got my wallet out to pay for the repairs and they said there was "no's on us". I was shocked. No one provides this kind of service anymore, especially 16 years after the original install. Yes they did! I thought the least I could do was write this review and give them a 5 star rating.