Nick Kazcun owes a local cleaning company $818.12 from cleaning his personal cottage in the spring of 2022. I have tried to contact him over a dozen times by email, phone and texting, he assured us he will pay it eventually but has stopped responding to my messages which has forced me to take this route. Once the amount of $818.12 has been paid, this review will be deleted immedieately as we don't mean any harm, just want to be paid for the services we provided nearly a year ago.
Nick Kazcun owes a local cleaning company $818.12 from cleaning his personal cottage in the spring of 2022. I have tried to contact him over a dozen times by email, phone and texting, he assured us he will pay it eventually but has stopped responding to my messages which has forced me to take this route. Once the amount of $818.12 has been paid, this review will be deleted immedieately as we don't mean any harm, just want to be paid for the services we provided nearly a year ago.