I was highly sceptical of acupuncture generally. She proved me wrong, quickly curing my golfer’s elbow. On another occasions, another complaint seemingly evaporated when she treated it.
January 2022
I struggled for three years, with ever increasing pain, and saw a wide variety of doctors, several who declared they'd solved my problem, never mind the fact I was living with even more pain. Dr Helen Chen said right from the start that she wasn't going to give me a diagnosis till I started to feel better, and that's what she did. I made a full recovery within three months, and that's when she gave me the diagnosis. I can't imagine a better person to see for chronic pain.
I was highly sceptical of acupuncture generally. She proved me wrong, quickly curing my golfer’s elbow. On another occasions, another complaint seemingly evaporated when she treated it.
I struggled for three years, with ever increasing pain, and saw a wide variety of doctors, several who declared they'd solved my problem, never mind the fact I was living with even more pain. Dr Helen Chen said right from the start that she wasn't going to give me a diagnosis till I started to feel better, and that's what she did. I made a full recovery within three months, and that's when she gave me the diagnosis. I can't imagine a better person to see for chronic pain.