“Wes answers his phone and came out quickly to give an estimate. No waiting. Wes showed up on time and preformed the work needed to get the panel changed in our 100+ year old house. He’s experienced, professional and knowledgeable. If you are looking for an Electrical Service I highly recommend Tay Electric.“
“Well Peter and Kate did it again. On time fixed all our issues and then some. Special shout-out to Peter for going in the attic to wire the new pot lights. Great Team doing superlative work. They’re “Keepers” Jay , awesome employees“
“Wes answers his phone and came out quickly to give an estimate. No waiting. Wes showed up on time and preformed the work needed to get the panel changed in our 100+ year old house. He’s experienced, professional and knowledgeable. If you are looking for an Electrical Service I highly recommend Tay Electric.“