From Dry Eye Center of South Tulsa
Are warm compresses and artificial tears not relieving your dry gritty eyes? Your not alone. The problem with these treatments is that they are difficult to consistantly maintain and they are not effective at treating the underlying cause of dry eye. Improved treatments for Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Disfunction are readily available and are effective in improving your tear quality and effectively treating and reducing the symptoms or dry eyes. There is no cure for dry eyes, but treatment with LipiFlow, Thermal 1-Touch, IPL, BlephEx, and punctal plugs can alleviate symptoms while reducing long-term damage caused by dry eyes. The Dry Eye Center of South Tulsa is the premiere center for excellence in dry eye care in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Great staff and friendly service would recommend this group. Had a good experience there and easy to get in/out of.