1706 S 4th St, Chickasha Oklahoma 73018
If this is the massage place, they deserve a 2 star, I’ve read a lot of reviews of people saying “oh they tried to force me to tip” but I’ve never had that problem, Untill I went in here,All I can say, is I was asked to tip, but since I was out there for work, i could only indulge, in just the basic…I feel like the lady must have reported me or something, for not wanting to tip, but I can assure you, there was no reason to.Besides that, the massage was great… I frequent massage places, since I am a Jack of all trades, and also study massage techniques,I’m not sure about the profession as a whole,But it’s become a tip only type thing now a days.Anyways, I’ve driven through the town a few times, and as a naturals hobbyist, this place caught my eye, so I’ve been wanting to check it out for about a year or two, it actually looked closed, so I was excited and happy it was open, “just for the experience”Really don’t wanna go into detail,But nothing happened, and no tip was needed,I respectfully, decline to tip, if I’m on the clock, forgive me, for getting a massage while getting paid.And I’m including all of this, because it’s obvious she complained or something, because a cop was waiting outside, as I went in,As if he also was wanting a massage or something.So I know he had to go in and talk to her,And he must have asked how much was the tip,Which caused controversy,Becsuse I am a tipper.“The worse massage is when they deserve a tip, but you can’t give it to them”