A huge THANK YOU to Shawn!! He, and his employees, came to the aid of my sister (Becky) this past week when a horse (a Percheron) was down in her pasture and couldn’t get up. A 17 hand, 2000 lb horse is no easy task to raise! Thank you Shawn for truly being a fantastic neighbor and gentleman! Unfortunately, the horse did need to be put down…and Shawn has continued to offer his support and friendship to my sister. Something special about horse people!
A huge THANK YOU to Shawn!! He, and his employees, came to the aid of my sister (Becky) this past week when a horse (a Percheron) was down in her pasture and couldn’t get up. A 17 hand, 2000 lb horse is no easy task to raise! Thank you Shawn for truly being a fantastic neighbor and gentleman! Unfortunately, the horse did need to be put down…and Shawn has continued to offer his support and friendship to my sister. Something special about horse people!