Twice Ace came out to do a termite letter on our home due to pending sale. the first guy saw that our house had been treated, crawled up under it and confirmed that no treatment was needed. 3 weeks later, another gentleman from Ace showed up in business casual, he tells us that he wouldn't fit under the house so therefore he couldn't say the house didn't need to be treated and would not write a letter. he then provided a quote for over $850 to treat the house. when we told him his company was just out 3 weeks earlier and provided a letter that house didnt need to be treated he replied that since he was the one that would be writing the letter and since... read full review
Twice Ace came out to do a termite letter on our home due to pending sale. the first guy saw that our house had been treated, crawled up under it and confirmed that no treatment was needed. 3 weeks later, another gentleman from Ace showed up in business casual, he tells us that he wouldn't fit under the house so therefore he couldn't say the house didn't need to be treated and would not write a letter. he then provided a quote for over $850 to treat the house. when we told him his company was just out 3 weeks earlier and provided a letter that house didnt need to be treated he replied that since he was the one that would be writing the letter and since... read full review