⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This studio is the dance family your child is missing. Such a great group of dancers, moms, and instructors.
Feb 2020
Catherine and Anna are awesome at what they do. The care, love and dedication they show to these boys and girls is unmatched. My little one is in love with dance because of these amazing women and the teachers who pour into her and all the other dancers at the studio.
Aug 2017
Love this studio! Teachers and owner are amazing! My daughter loves all the classes � especially the tumbling, she has come so far with having a lot of personal attention with the reasonable sized classes.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This studio is the dance family your child is missing. Such a great group of dancers, moms, and instructors.
Catherine and Anna are awesome at what they do. The care, love and dedication they show to these boys and girls is unmatched. My little one is in love with dance because of these amazing women and the teachers who pour into her and all the other dancers at the studio.
Love this studio! Teachers and owner are amazing! My daughter loves all the classes � especially the tumbling, she has come so far with having a lot of personal attention with the reasonable sized classes.