They got the job done, but they did not do it well or make it easy. My son needed a helmet and started wearing it around the end of December with the initial estimate being to finish around mid February (roughly six weeks). However, we after awhile the helmet did not fit well when it would fall over his eyes and bridge of his nose when he slept sometimes. We were advised to not wear the helmet overnight and eventually he got a second helmet. The second helmet had the same issue and the process repeated and we received a third helmet the beginning of February, which was not far off from the original estimate for when we'd be done. Somehow, despite my son wearing the... read full review
September 2023
We visited cranial technologies for our son's plagiocephaly when he was 4 months. I can honestly say that we couldn't have even dreamt of better experience than what we had.We had Allison as our primary contact and she is an amazing person. My baby would light up everytime he saw her. She was so gentle with him and he loved going for his weekly appointments. She was very informative and always helping us with our concerns. We were actually a little sad when we finished, because we won't see her every week anymore.At the reception, Nancy was a gem. She helped us navigate through the process and scheduling and was always ready to accommodate us.On our last... read full review
May 2023
I can not express how amazing the staff is. They are absolutely incredible with the babies and parents as well. They are very informative and so kind. They definitely make a new helmet experience easier. The office is always very clean and very spacious and updated. I recommend anyone who needs a helmet for their baby should definitely go here!
They got the job done, but they did not do it well or make it easy. My son needed a helmet and started wearing it around the end of December with the initial estimate being to finish around mid February (roughly six weeks). However, we after awhile the helmet did not fit well when it would fall over his eyes and bridge of his nose when he slept sometimes. We were advised to not wear the helmet overnight and eventually he got a second helmet. The second helmet had the same issue and the process repeated and we received a third helmet the beginning of February, which was not far off from the original estimate for when we'd be done. Somehow, despite my son wearing the... read full review
We visited cranial technologies for our son's plagiocephaly when he was 4 months. I can honestly say that we couldn't have even dreamt of better experience than what we had.We had Allison as our primary contact and she is an amazing person. My baby would light up everytime he saw her. She was so gentle with him and he loved going for his weekly appointments. She was very informative and always helping us with our concerns. We were actually a little sad when we finished, because we won't see her every week anymore.At the reception, Nancy was a gem. She helped us navigate through the process and scheduling and was always ready to accommodate us.On our last... read full review
I can not express how amazing the staff is. They are absolutely incredible with the babies and parents as well. They are very informative and so kind. They definitely make a new helmet experience easier. The office is always very clean and very spacious and updated. I recommend anyone who needs a helmet for their baby should definitely go here!