Some of your nurses think they are Godlike in their existence.....some are awesome. For the ones who think the world revolves around them one question..." Why in the hell did you become a nurse? " Obviously some nurses need to have hero worship but it ain't comin' from me. To the hospital..." stop telling everyone how awesome you are when just like any other healthcare group in America you are just more no less. " When it comes time to pay your ridiculous charges then you're on top of everything but hey got to pay your virtually worthless administrators what they don't deserve. Nothing more than theft and robbery accomplished mostly by bribing our POS politicians through lobbies but then again that is the same types of groups running American healthcare these days. Just wish Strong Memorial, U of R medicine, Guthrie, etc. knew how to be honest but the pursuit of runway freight train greed has ruined American healthcare. And that folks is our less than stellar American healthcare for you. One bright note I'm glad God the Father doesn't take bribes......nor does he think it's OK to walk all over the less fortunate like most of corporate America does
Some of your nurses think they are Godlike in their existence.....some are awesome. For the ones who think the world revolves around them one question..." Why in the hell did you become a nurse? " Obviously some nurses need to have hero worship but it ain't comin' from me. To the hospital..." stop telling everyone how awesome you are when just like any other healthcare group in America you are just more no less. " When it comes time to pay your ridiculous charges then you're on top of everything but hey got to pay your virtually worthless administrators what they don't deserve. Nothing more than theft and robbery accomplished mostly by bribing our POS politicians through lobbies but then again that is the same types of groups running American healthcare these days. Just wish Strong Memorial, U of R medicine, Guthrie, etc. knew how to be honest but the pursuit of runway freight train greed has ruined American healthcare. And that folks is our less than stellar American healthcare for you. One bright note I'm glad God the Father doesn't take bribes......nor does he think it's OK to walk all over the less fortunate like most of corporate America does