The people there seem nice enough, but the fees will chew up your retirement account! Diversification is good, but not to the point of including funds with a long-term history of almost no returns; funds that must be providing kickbacks to advisors who use them; no rational financial reason for including them. Your personal recommendations will be largely ignored also, likely because your recommendations involve investment sectors that do not pay anything back to the financial managers. Base on my experience here, if you have even rudimentary financial sense, an online investment firm is a better option. I wish I had read a review like this three years ago!
The people there seem nice enough, but the fees will chew up your retirement account! Diversification is good, but not to the point of including funds with a long-term history of almost no returns; funds that must be providing kickbacks to advisors who use them; no rational financial reason for including them. Your personal recommendations will be largely ignored also, likely because your recommendations involve investment sectors that do not pay anything back to the financial managers. Base on my experience here, if you have even rudimentary financial sense, an online investment firm is a better option. I wish I had read a review like this three years ago!