Some florists and bodegas in the neighborhood might have a rack or two of live plants for sale, but this shop has an incredible selection of houseplants. There are plants outside as well as inside. Many plants I've purchased from here (cactus, spider plant, monstera) have had a long and happy life. (I killed a few when I was just getting used to keeping plants, but that's my own fault.) Never had a problem with bugs or parasites with their stock, it's all been clean and well cared for. They even take credit cards.
Some florists and bodegas in the neighborhood might have a rack or two of live plants for sale, but this shop has an incredible selection of houseplants. There are plants outside as well as inside. Many plants I've purchased from here (cactus, spider plant, monstera) have had a long and happy life. (I killed a few when I was just getting used to keeping plants, but that's my own fault.) Never had a problem with bugs or parasites with their stock, it's all been clean and well cared for. They even take credit cards.