?⭐️?⭐️? If there were a Hall of Fame for wax specialists, Diamond at EWC would have her face right there, shining brighter than, well, a diamond. Let me tell you, this woman is a wizard with wax. She’s got skills that make you question why you ever doubted booking a wax in the first place.
Diamond doesn’t just rip hair out – she turns a potentially cringe-worthy situation into a cozy, fun experience. The second you walk in, she’s all about making you comfortable. She’s like that friend who somehow manages to make even the most awkward moments feel like no big deal. Her customer service? Top-notch. She talks you through the whole process,... read full review
November 2024
I’ve been going to Cierra for a few months now and shes hands down the best! Gets the job done super quick and efficient and made me feel comfortable from day one! Highly recommend her at the Clifton park location!
November 2024
Staff is very friendly . I've been coming here for quite some time . Cheyanne is new to me , but has been giving me amazing waxes . Thank you Cheyanne , plus she is very professional.
?⭐️?⭐️? If there were a Hall of Fame for wax specialists, Diamond at EWC would have her face right there, shining brighter than, well, a diamond. Let me tell you, this woman is a wizard with wax. She’s got skills that make you question why you ever doubted booking a wax in the first place.
Diamond doesn’t just rip hair out – she turns a potentially cringe-worthy situation into a cozy, fun experience. The second you walk in, she’s all about making you comfortable. She’s like that friend who somehow manages to make even the most awkward moments feel like no big deal. Her customer service? Top-notch. She talks you through the whole process,... read full review
I’ve been going to Cierra for a few months now and shes hands down the best! Gets the job done super quick and efficient and made me feel comfortable from day one! Highly recommend her at the Clifton park location!
Staff is very friendly . I've been coming here for quite some time . Cheyanne is new to me , but has been giving me amazing waxes . Thank you Cheyanne , plus she is very professional.