Love Vanessa! She is very kind, gentle and intuitive, listens to what I need, and has a very calm presence. I see her for Myofascial Release and she always uses just the right touch for headaches and body pains. She involves me in making decisions for where to treat, while also seeming to know where to go. Vanessa has healthy professional boundaries and is nonjudgmental. I also find it helpful that she offers me input for self-care at home to help with my body awareness and symptoms. I highly recommend her!
March 2020
So, way back about 16 years ago, I started my yoga journey with Yoga Anand Ashram in their old space, where I practiced for a few years. What a joy to take a class in their beautiful new home with Roy, an old friend from my early days at YAA. I highly recommend his class, which is a beautiful medley of stretching, breathwork, asana & meditation. I can’t wait to take another class in this place where you know immediately that there is more to yoga then just poses.
Love Vanessa! She is very kind, gentle and intuitive, listens to what I need, and has a very calm presence. I see her for Myofascial Release and she always uses just the right touch for headaches and body pains. She involves me in making decisions for where to treat, while also seeming to know where to go. Vanessa has healthy professional boundaries and is nonjudgmental. I also find it helpful that she offers me input for self-care at home to help with my body awareness and symptoms. I highly recommend her!
So, way back about 16 years ago, I started my yoga journey with Yoga Anand Ashram in their old space, where I practiced for a few years. What a joy to take a class in their beautiful new home with Roy, an old friend from my early days at YAA. I highly recommend his class, which is a beautiful medley of stretching, breathwork, asana & meditation. I can’t wait to take another class in this place where you know immediately that there is more to yoga then just poses.