Loanmax has been there for me through all my financial emergencies. If you find yourself in a bind and you don't want to impact your credit score, this is an option. The staff is professional and personable and will get you in and out quickly! Highly recommend!
November 2022
Was helped by Lorie and she was extremely polite and helpful and most importantly honest. Sometimes in a desperate spot the bigger number seems better bur thankfully Lorie is willing to be honest about what you will pay. It means alot to me in business when someone is honest and that helped me decide to go ahead and get the loan I needed. Thank you Lorie at LoanMax in Alamogordo nm
November 2021
I have had two different loans with this company and both experiences have left me impressed. I will definitely be doing business with these people for years to come. Always a pleasure!
Loanmax has been there for me through all my financial emergencies. If you find yourself in a bind and you don't want to impact your credit score, this is an option. The staff is professional and personable and will get you in and out quickly! Highly recommend!
Was helped by Lorie and she was extremely polite and helpful and most importantly honest. Sometimes in a desperate spot the bigger number seems better bur thankfully Lorie is willing to be honest about what you will pay. It means alot to me in business when someone is honest and that helped me decide to go ahead and get the loan I needed. Thank you Lorie at LoanMax in Alamogordo nm
I have had two different loans with this company and both experiences have left me impressed. I will definitely be doing business with these people for years to come. Always a pleasure!