“Got into a fight not long ago. Won. I still think a decade later John is the only reason I’m still alive. I’m not saying to come here to learn how to be dangerous, but I’m not not saying that either. Whenever I have kids, they will be trained by John. If you have any issues with bullying or the like, come to John and within a month you’ll beat anyone. Life’s tough, you gotta stay tough. It’s the world we live in. Can’t fight? Come to John. 13/10.“
“Trained here a few times, most recently their new BJJ program. It was great. The instruction was very high level. I’m definitely coming back!“
“Martial arts training is not just learning to punch or kick. It is not just about learning some new words our memorizing some forms. Sensei has built a dojo that teaches the heart of a warrior while also teaching the techniques of empty-hand combat as well as some traditional weapons. Over thirty years ago I first walked into the dojo, scared, having been bullied daily at school, and needing a safe place. This was, at that time, the one local dojo where discipline and honor seemed equally or more important than the techniques. Sensei not only taught me how to defend myself, but more importantly taught me that in his dojo the only person who "wins" a real-life fight is the one who never has to fight in the first place. Techniques that he teaches are for defensive use only, period. I had seen students dismissed from the dojo for starting fights, but thankfully that was a very rare occurrence. Now, many of the students I had trained with assist Sensei in the instruction, and I know that in their heart they continue to teach with honor, and also with great skill.“